The Hourglass Race
Educational goals: Learning about the world using various technical objects in functional situations. Views: 1349 Post Views: 10.380
The colours
In Kindergarten, colour work is part of a larger study of light and its effects on the surfaces or materials it enlightens and it is a special theme for linking…
Microplastics: small but deadly
This is a practical activity that introduces students to microplastics, tiny plastic particles, and their impact on the marine environment. Views: 860 Post Views: 9.899
Bluebots on math and ABC-rugs
The school subjects involved in this activity are Mathematics and language but also social aspects of the preschool curriculum, through group activities and collaboration. Views: 804 Post Views: 10.616
Using the Bluebot as a link in natural science
Educational goals: knowledge in sequential thinking, programming and science, through linking different aspects of a phenomenon together. Views: 652 Post Views: 9.645
Building with stones
This activity should lead children to have other perspective of their home by apprehending it as a technical object. For it, different activities will lead them to familiarize with materials…
Joint through technology
The project “Joint Through Technology” was funded from Google RISE Awards after a successful proposal by team. The aim of the project was to bring together kids from 5-15…
Robotics in the classroom: play to learn
botSTEM appears in national media, Diario ABC, Spain A European program led by the University of Burgos (UBU) encourages the use of robots in children to boost skills in Science,…
The sounds
In this activity the children write a play and musicalize it by creating musical ambiances with various sound bodies. Views: 772 Post Views: 9.869
The vegetal biodiversity
In this activity the students observe trees in a forest to make sketches and then visit a botany garden for making a digital herbarium. Views: 842 Post Views: 10.068
Learn Coding – Be a superhero
This activity will promote coding skills and cultivate critical and creative thinking through coding activities. Views: 818 Post Views: 9.784
Beat the Flood
This challenge is designed to help pupils tackle a pressing global issue from a variety of perspectives. Views: 738 Post Views: 9.837
Planting ideas: climate-change activities for primary school
This activity puts children in a real-life situation that will help them develop skills to discuss complex problems, examine pros and cons and make decisions. Views: 739 Post Views: 9.422
Children programming each other as bluebots in primary school
Educational goals: knowledge of sequential thinking and programming, through the children experiencing physically with their bodies. Views: 771 Post Views: 9.286
Erasmus exchange shows how robots can help STEM teaching
botSTEM appears in the news of HKR University – Text in Swedish and photos: Fabian Rimfors How can robots help children learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)? The European…
The wind
This sequence is extracted from the preliminary version of a book written by teachers participating in the Chinese Learning by Doing program as part of a cooperation established with La…
Program directions with Next 1.0
Students from 3 to 5 y.o are given the specific mission of identifying geometrical shapes, sizes and colors and programming Next 1.0 to achieve the challenges defined. Views: 800 Post…
Bluebot – Gravitation and friction
In this activity the children are challenged with aiding a robot (bluebot) to ascend to a table. For it, a large assortment of plans and boards of different lengths are…
The body and the movement
This didactic experience describes an educational pathway to discover the body through the Inquiry Based Science Education method. Views: 761 Post Views: 9.134
Many flowers to learn with the ICT
Many flowers to learn arises from the need to acquire the concepts of quantity, rhythmic and musical sequence through the association between iconic and symbolic representations. Views: 836 Post Views:…
Sound and light through cryptolology and robotics
Educational goals: improving the group work skills and problem-solving skills, improving their multidimensional thinking skills and developing an understanding of sound and light through instructions that use everyday life and…
This activity is related to perception and expression of emotions, calculation and measuring, know-how to learn, research and creativity. Views: 780 Post Views: 9.739
The KIBO robotic kit utilizes a software called CHERP that allows young children to physically construct the computer programs by connecting interlocking wooden blocks, representing a series of events. Views:…
Testing Timers
This activity is designed to get children thinking about how sand timers work. Views: 950 Post Views: 9.331
This is a good activity for teaching senses in a practical and playful way. Views: 748 Post Views: 9.950
Sources of light and shadows
Students will learn about sources of light and how shadows are made. They also will develop their critical thinking skills. Views: 771 Post Views: 9.271
Life cycles
The most important aim in this activity is to raise ecological awareness and become empathic towards all living beings. Views: 750 Post Views: 9.523
High density cognitive paths doing geometry
This activity stimulates discussion and debate among children, boosts their creativity and assesses the ability to work in teams. Views: 642 Post Views: 9.085
Geometry with MIND robot
With Mind robot, the participants acquire knowledge of geometry and programming in a playful and active way. Views: 778 Post Views: 9.877
Vibrating sound and music!
Where does the music come from? We will become great Luthiers to explain, with the help of everyday objects and instruments, what vibration is and how sounds are produced. Then,…
Scribbling story
Children will create the scenography of a story with scribbling machines to investigate concepts of art, science and technology. Views: 760 Post Views: 9.497
Useless machines
Creativity, collaboration and the use of digital tools will allow the participants of this activity to design and build some incredible useless machines. Views: 820 Post Views: 9.458
Robot DOC on the line of numbers
In this activity, the students will perform simple addition, subtraction and multiplication tasks and program a robot to check their answers. Views: 791 Post Views: 9.439
Adaptable Learning Graph for Maths
The system MaTHiSiS provide an online platform through which the registered teacher can create her/his lesson plans, individualised for each pupil according to his/her profile. Views: 777 Post Views: 9.370
Beebots for stimulated recall of science content
Children learn about the four seasons and consolidate the knowledge acquired with the programming of Beebots in a playful and natural way. Views: 872 Post Views: 9.536
Getting clean drinking water
Educational goals: Learning a way of getting clean drinking water, becoming aware that the clean drinking water is rare in the nature and encouraging respect for water as a natural…
Making an ‘active‘ volcano
In this activity students will learn more about how lava is formed and become aware of the effects volcanos have on the soil, the dangers and the devastation they sometime…
Bluebots, physics and mathematics in primary school
In the present exercise, the children work in groups and use the bluebots to explore math and the physical phenomenon of friction. Views: 815 Post Views: 9.624
Squashed tomatoes
This activity is designed to get children thinking about how gravity works and, in particular, how it can be used to transport food. Views: 724 Post Views: 9.084
Creating digital drawings with Python
Creation of a digital drawing with Python programming language. Views: 818 Post Views: 9.550
Talent Viewer
Educational goal: Breaking down gender stereotypes about science and technology and motivating pupils to develop their individual skills rather than those that fit gender stereotypes. Views: 1173 Post Views: 9.960
Programming with Next 2.0
Students are given the specific mission of identifying the water states, cycles and uses and programming Next 2.0 to achieve the challenges defined by the teacher. Views: 761 Post Views:…
From poetry to robotics
In this activity students discover through robotics that mathematics and poetry have many things in common. Views: 728 Post Views: 9.083
Multiplication with the numbers 2, 3, 5 and 10
Students will understand how multiplication works and how else they can do it by means of using addition of the numbers that are to be multiplied. Views: 733 Post Views:…
Transforming family props into a Scratch game
This activity develops creativity and computational thinking through the creation of animated stories with Scratch. Views: 772 Post Views: 8.817
The rural environment is an ideal place for the development of STEAM activities, given that it has unique and easily accessible natural, patrimonial and social resources. Views: 860 Post Views:…
Inseparable. Or not?
Students discover how magnets work through different experiments related to real situations in which their use is useful. Views: 735 Post Views: 9.226
A mysterious grot
Students discover simple machines and experiment with the application and utility of the inclined plane to build roads. Views: 923 Post Views: 9.977
Συγγνώμη,αυτή η εγγραφή είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα English. On the 9th-13th of July, PhD.Ileana Greca – project coordinator of the BOTSTEM project – attended at GIREP-MPTL 2018, a research and…
On the last 4th-6th of May, BOTSTEM partners attended the III Scientix Conference in Brussels presenting the project to the education community, related EU-funded projects and many stakeholders. Views: 586…
Learning to program with Next 1.0
ENGLISH Introducing Next 1.0 to 5 y.o to kids in the C.P. El Vallín Piedras Blancas, Asturias, Spain. Next 1.0 is a robot that introduces children (from 3-5 y.o) in…