The Hourglass Race
Educational goals: Learning about the world using various technical objects in functional situations. Views: 1374 Post Views: 10.555
roBOTics και STEM εκπαίδευση για παιδιά
Erasmus+ KA201 Project n°2017-1-ES01-KA201-038204
Educational goals: Learning about the world using various technical objects in functional situations. Views: 1374 Post Views: 10.555
In Kindergarten, colour work is part of a larger study of light and its effects on the surfaces or materials it enlightens and it is a special theme for linking…
The school subjects involved in this activity are Mathematics and language but also social aspects of the preschool curriculum, through group activities and collaboration. Views: 837 Post Views: 10.811
Educational goals: knowledge in sequential thinking, programming and science, through linking different aspects of a phenomenon together. Views: 680 Post Views: 9.806
This activity should lead children to have other perspective of their home by apprehending it as a technical object. For it, different activities will lead them to familiarize with materials…
The project “Joint Through Technology” was funded from Google RISE Awards after a successful proposal by team. The aim of the project was to bring together kids from 5-15…
In this activity the children write a play and musicalize it by creating musical ambiances with various sound bodies. Views: 803 Post Views: 10.059
In this activity the students observe trees in a forest to make sketches and then visit a botany garden for making a digital herbarium. Views: 864 Post Views: 10.246
This activity will promote coding skills and cultivate critical and creative thinking through coding activities. Views: 844 Post Views: 9.968
Educational goals: knowledge of sequential thinking and programming, through the children experiencing physically with their bodies. Views: 814 Post Views: 9.447
This sequence is extracted from the preliminary version of a book written by teachers participating in the Chinese Learning by Doing program as part of a cooperation established with La…
The KIBO robotic kit utilizes a software called CHERP that allows young children to physically construct the computer programs by connecting interlocking wooden blocks, representing a series of events. Views:…
This activity is designed to get children thinking about how sand timers work. Views: 967 Post Views: 9.491
Children will create the scenography of a story with scribbling machines to investigate concepts of art, science and technology. Views: 797 Post Views: 9.679
Creativity, collaboration and the use of digital tools will allow the participants of this activity to design and build some incredible useless machines. Views: 861 Post Views: 9.625
Children learn about the four seasons and consolidate the knowledge acquired with the programming of Beebots in a playful and natural way. Views: 903 Post Views: 9.675
In the present exercise, the children work in groups and use the bluebots to explore math and the physical phenomenon of friction. Views: 847 Post Views: 9.768
This activity is designed to get children thinking about how gravity works and, in particular, how it can be used to transport food. Views: 745 Post Views: 9.244
Creation of a digital drawing with Python programming language. Views: 870 Post Views: 9.731
This activity develops creativity and computational thinking through the creation of animated stories with Scratch. Views: 805 Post Views: 8.966