Category: Activities

botSTEM article published

The article: Robotics and Early-years STEM Education: The botSTEM Framework and Activities The article starts with a presentation of the botSTEM toolkit with assorted teaching practices and finishes with examples…

botSTEM in Swedish Press

The Swedish magazine “Förskolan” , a professional magazine directed towards preschool teachers potentially reaching all preschool teachers in Sweden have reported on the botSTEM project. A reporter from the magazine…

ESERA19 and the botSTEM-posters presented

Three posters were presented at the ESERA19 conferense in Bologna. ESERA might be the most significant conference concerning science education worldwide. One poster where exposed during the whole conference in…

Girls into science

The Association for Science Education provides us with a series of articles addressing the issue of girls into science. This web-link gives us access to an inspiring and neatly packaged…

Robotics for inclusion

“What the students desire the most is to have value, to belong to their class, to give their contribution” (R. Dreikurs) The students with difficulties or special needs are part…