BOTSTEM first Multiplier Event in Verona
“Free and mindful opportunities in schools to change the Future” Verona 30th March 2019 The first botSTEM multiplier event has been organized in Verona (Italy) by Polo Europeo della Conoscenza…
roBOTics y educación STEM para niños
Erasmus+ KA201 Project n°2017-1-ES01-KA201-038204
“Free and mindful opportunities in schools to change the Future” Verona 30th March 2019 The first botSTEM multiplier event has been organized in Verona (Italy) by Polo Europeo della Conoscenza…
One of the aims of BOTSTEM is to create an online community of practice for teachers interested in implementing STEM activities in their teaching. The platform is based on…
Modification of the Toolkit activity ”Children programming each other as bluebots” As a result of teachers trying out the different activities in the botSTEM toolkit, the practices are modified and…
Throughout 2018 botSTEM Project has been introduced to the education community at different congresses internationally as well as in Europe. Firstly, it is worth stressing the presentation of a poster…