Building with stones
This activity should lead children to have other perspective of their home by apprehending it as a technical object. For it, different activities will lead them to familiarize with materials…
roBOTics and STEM education for children
Erasmus+ KA201 Project n°2017-1-ES01-KA201-038204
This activity should lead children to have other perspective of their home by apprehending it as a technical object. For it, different activities will lead them to familiarize with materials…
The project “Joint Through Technology” was funded from Google RISE Awards after a successful proposal by team. The aim of the project was to bring together kids from 5-15…
This activity will promote coding skills and cultivate critical and creative thinking through coding activities. Views: 818 Post Views: 9,784
Educational goals: knowledge of sequential thinking and programming, through the children experiencing physically with their bodies. Views: 771 Post Views: 9,286
The KIBO robotic kit utilizes a software called CHERP that allows young children to physically construct the computer programs by connecting interlocking wooden blocks, representing a series of events. Views:…
In the present exercise, the children work in groups and use the bluebots to explore math and the physical phenomenon of friction. Views: 815 Post Views: 9,624
This activity is designed to get children thinking about how gravity works and, in particular, how it can be used to transport food. Views: 724 Post Views: 9,083
Students discover simple machines and experiment with the application and utility of the inclined plane to build roads. Views: 923 Post Views: 9,977