Author: Stefano Cobello

Coordinator of Italian National network of schools Polo Europeo della Conoscenza

Guidelines for Families

The document presented here intends to share with families some guidelines on the STEM approach, its application and those points that can be worked on from the family environment, generated…

O 2 final report BOTSTEM IO2v5

Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), also known as Learning Management Systems (LMS) are online platforms developed to support distance learning using the internet and internet connected devices. VLE platforms have been…


STEM programmes are receiving increasing attention since they are considered efficient for developing scientific literacy for citizens and for increasing the number of young people choosing to study scientific-technological disciplines…


The botSTEM project aims to develop new tools by means of inquiry teaching, open robotics and code-learning for enhancing current didactics of STEM subjects in the early education (4-7 years…