The dissemination and communication report is based on the activities undertaken by the partners during the whole “BOTSTEM – roBOTics and STEM education for children and primary schools” project implementation. This analysis covers a qualitative and quantitative perspective of the data. The quantitative data are determined by the number of activities, the geographical impact and the number of persons / audience. The qualitative part is based on the data collected about the dissemination on the target groups of the project. This final report is the result of progressive analysis conducted during the life-time of the project which assessed the validity of the dissemination plan and evaluated the communication impact, to adjust the trajectory of the activities and to implement correction measures, if necessary.
This analysis considers as communication activities all those addressed to a general public and aimed at raise awareness about Robotics and STEM subjects through, for example, distribution of leaflets, online communication or other public media. Dissemination activities are considered all those addressed to potential beneficiaries of the project outcomes and contents.
The document does not contain any confidential material and if needed it can be published.
The indicative measures will be given in general, adding all the activities undertaken by all the partners, remaining to the single partner report the dissemination completeness. The partners reported the number of the involved persons during different type of events and activities. Depending on the situation, the number is identified through collected signatures, through figures provided by hosting organization, through online calculators or through average estimation.
The number of subjects reached by dissemination and implementation activities is valuable and far exceeds the foreseen impact:
• Teachers, researchers, professors and professionals: 8310 (foreseen 1500 + 120 + 500 + 50)
• Representatives of Universities: 537
• Associations and schools: 930 (foreseen 5)
• Policy makers and Decision makers: 778 (foreseen 15)
• Children and Families: 20035 (foreseen 1500 + 3040 )
• Civil society: 63802 (foreseen 3740)
• Online communication activities: 13291407
All the partners made a huge effort to valorise and make the public aware of the proceeding steps of the project during whole its duration. The data demonstrate the viability of the dissemination plan and mostly the strong commitment of the partners in the communication activities according to their potential.
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