The colours
In Kindergarten, colour work is part of a larger study of light and its effects on the surfaces or materials it enlightens and it is a special theme for linking…
roBOTics and STEM education for children
Erasmus+ KA201 Project n°2017-1-ES01-KA201-038204
In Kindergarten, colour work is part of a larger study of light and its effects on the surfaces or materials it enlightens and it is a special theme for linking…
Where does the music come from? We will become great Luthiers to explain, with the help of everyday objects and instruments, what vibration is and how sounds are produced. Then,…
Children will create the scenography of a story with scribbling machines to investigate concepts of art, science and technology. Views: 757 Post Views: 9,456
Creativity, collaboration and the use of digital tools will allow the participants of this activity to design and build some incredible useless machines. Views: 815 Post Views: 9,423
The system MaTHiSiS provide an online platform through which the registered teacher can create her/his lesson plans, individualised for each pupil according to his/her profile. Views: 763 Post Views: 9,329
Children learn about the four seasons and consolidate the knowledge acquired with the programming of Beebots in a playful and natural way. Views: 864 Post Views: 9,499
This activity develops creativity and computational thinking through the creation of animated stories with Scratch. Views: 767 Post Views: 8,785