During 2019 botSTEM Project has been introduced at different conferences in order to make the project objectives, contents and actions developed till now, known worldwide This action of dissemination let the educational community create better networking and reinforce STEM education.
On February 3, the coordinator of the project PhD. Ileana Greca presented botSTEM at the II Scientix Spanish Meeting, held at the Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, in Alcobendas, Madrid. There, the whole project was presented in a session devoted to European projects related to science teaching for primary and secondary schools. https://intef.es/Blog/ii-congreso-nacional-scientix-2019-programa-definitivo-y-ubicacion-del-evento/
Once again, on March 30, after presenting botSTEM at the Multiplier Event held in Verona, Italy, botSTEM coordinator was invited to the 19th International Teaching Forum of Science and Technology celebrated in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In this event organized within The International Book Fair under the heading of “Interdisciplinary teaching, a tool to understand the world” was debated about the viability of integrated STEM approaches in Formal Education. This issue was illustrated by Ileana Greca with botSTEM Project which currently is working with schools where integrated STEM activities are being implemented. https://www.el-libro.org.ar/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/web-foro-de-ciencias.pdf
After the conference, Ileana Greca was interviewed by Gabriel Latorre (Fundación Lúminis) with a focus on the current importance of introducing STEAM Education in schools. https://www.fundacionluminis.org.ar/biblioteca/entrevista-a-ileana-maria-greca-dufranc-la-educacion-steam-ciencia-tecnologia-ingenieria-arte-y-matematicas-boletin-de-novedades-educativas-n99
One month later, on May 24, in Galway, Ireland, botSTEM project along with Saturdays of Science, an initiative launched by Universidad de Burgos, was introduced in the 15th Scientix Projects’ Networking Event, as an example of a sustainable project. In this event, botSTEM had the opportunity to share with other European projects ideas and initiatives related to STEM and Robotics education. These dissemination and networking events help projects generate a greater impact on society that prolongs their lives.
The next programmed step is in Bologna, Italy, at the 13th Conference of European Science Education Research Association (ESERA). The theme chosen for this edition is “The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education” where botSTEM is going to display three different posters. One of them explains the current situation of the project, while the others show the results obtained after the implementation of the activities compile in the toolkit, in Spanish and Swedish schools. https://www.esera2019.org/
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