Botstem Erasmus+ KA2 Project learning platform


On the 10th of October, BOTSTEM partners met in Burgos. The Kick off meeting was organised by the University of Burgos, the host institution of the project coordinator, PhD. Ileana Greca.

The Kick-off Meeting of the BOTSTEM project, held in Burgos

With the BOTSTEM project, robotics and programming will be added up to the STEM methodology, which are key aspects in a not so distant education for the primary education students. During the 35 months of duration of the project, a multidisciplinary consortium formed by six partners with profiles coming from research, TIC and non-profit entities from different countries (Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Cyprus) will work on the project.

Next steps are the creation of the Toolkit and the Best Practices compilation on STEM education and robotics for Childhood and Primary education. See you soon!!!

The Kick-off Meeting of the BOTSTEM project, held in Burgos

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